Application to Adopt a Puppy

There is so much to consider when deciding to add a new puppy into your life. We at Lovebug Doodles LTD want to ensure our puppy families are educated on the amount of work, commitment and financial side that they are signing on to. We want the new puppy families to feel comfortable in taking in one of our puppies and we as the breeders will be here to answer all your questions and concerns to the best of our ability.

Visit our frequently asked questions page for information about our dogs and the steps in adopting one.

Please note : If you haven’t received a response from us in 48 hours , please check your “ Junk Mail” and give us a call or send us an email : We will always respond to you inquiry :)

Thank you once again for taking the time to fill out this application.

-Lauren, Cody, Sloane and the Fur Kids